2023.07 – 至今,南京林业大学,生命科学学院,生物化学与分子生物系,副教授
2016.06 – 2023.06,南京林业大学,生物与环境学院,生物化学与分子生物系,副教授
2013.03 – 2016.05,阿尔伯塔大学(加拿大),理学院,生物学系,博士后(含产假)
2012.11 – 2013.02,海德堡大学(德国),生物研究中心(COS),科研助理
2009.08 - 2012.10,海德堡大学(德国),植物研究所,植物分子生理生态学,博士
2008.06 - 2009.07,慕尼黑DID语言学院(德国),德语培训,博士预备生
2004.09 - 2007.07,东北林业大学,植物学,硕士
1999.09 - 2004.07,东北林业大学,生物科学,本科
- American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB),会员
- Canadian Society of Plant Biologists (CSPB),会员
- Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences (CSMB),会员
- Plants 杂志,特约编辑
-《Nature communication》,《Frontiers in Plant Science》和《BMC Plant Biology》等期刊审稿人
留学生:《Molecular Biology》和《Advanced Biochemistry》
Please find additional information below:
国家科技部农业生物育种重大项目—科技创新2030重大项目子课题 (2024-2026),任务负责人
国家重点研发计划“南方速生林木新品种选育”子课题 (2022-2027),任务负责人
福建省林业局林业科技研究项目 (2023-2025),技术负责人
林木遗传育种国家重点实验室面上项目 (2022-2024),主持
国家自然科学基金面上项目 (2019-2022),项目骨干
高层次和高学历人才留学回国人员科研启动基金 (2017- ),主持
国家自然科学基金-青年项目 (2018-2021),主持
江苏省自然科学基金-青年项目 (2017-2020),主持
NSERC & RGPIN(加拿大国家自然科学与工程基金)(2012-2014),参与
ACIDF(加拿大阿尔伯塔省农业发展基金 (2013-2016),参与
DAAD (德国学术研究中心)博士生项目 (2008-2012),主持
Liu X, Wu L, Si Y, Zhai Y, Niu M, Han M* and Su T*. 2024. Regulating Effect of Exogenous α-Ketoglutarate on Ammonium Assimilation in Poplar. Molecules 29(7): 1415. (*通讯作者)
Xu X, Wei H, Yao K, Wu H, Huang T, Su T*, Han M*, Cao F. 2024. Integrative Omics Studies Revealed Synergistic Link between Sucrose Metabolic Isogenes and Carbohydrates in Poplar Roots Infected by Fusarium Wilt. Plant Molecular Biology 114. (*通讯作者)
Su T, Xu X, Li X, Wei H, Wu H, Han M*, Cao F. 2024. Functional dissection of the PME and PMEI super families in the protection of Populus pectin during Fusarium wilt. Industrial Crops and Products 209: 118056. (*通讯作者)
Han M, Sun S, Feng J, Wang S, Liu X, Si Y, Hu Y, Su T*. 2024. Investigation of stimulated growth effect by application of L-aspartic acid on poplar. Industrial Crops and Products 209: 118023.
Han M, Xu X, Li X, Xu M, Hu M, Xiong Y, Feng J, Wu H, Zhu H, Su T*. 2022. New Insight into Aspartate Metabolic Pathways in Populus: Linking the Root Responsive Isoenzymes with Amino Acid Biosynthesis during Incompatible Interactions of Fusarium solani. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23: 6368.
Han M, Wang S, Wu L, Feng J, Si Y, Liu X, Su T*. 2022. Effects of Exogenous L-Asparagine on Poplar Biomass Partitioning and Root Morphology. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23: 13126.
Han M, Xu M, Su T*, Wang S, Wu L, Feng J, Ding C. 2022. Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Critical Genes and Pathways in Carbon Metabolism and Ribosome Biogenesis in Poplar Fertilized with Glutamine. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23: 9998.
Han M, Xu X, Xiong Y, Wei H, Yao K, Huang T, Long Y, Su T*. 2022. Genome-Wide Survey and Expression Analyses of Hexokinase Family in Poplar (Populus trichocarpa). Plants 11: 2025.
Han M, Xu M, Wang S, Wu L, Sun S, Su T*. Effects of exogenous L-Glutamine as a sole nitrogen source on physiological characteristics and nitrogen use efficiency of poplar. Plant Physiol Biochem [Internet]. Elsevier Masson SAS; 2022;172:1–13.
Han M, Xu M, Wang S, Wu L, Shi Y, Su T*. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Myricaria elegans: an endemic species to the Himalayas. Mitochondrial DNA Part B [Internet]. Taylor & Francis; 2021;6:3343–5.
Han M, Opoku KN, Bissah NAB, Su T*. Solanum aethiopicum: The Nutrient-Rich Vegetable Crop with Great Economic, Genetic Biodiversity and Pharmaceutical Potential. Horticulturae. 2021;7:126.
Han M, Zhang C, Suglo P, Sun S, Wang M, Su T*. L-aspartate: An essential metabolite for plant growth and stress acclimation. Molecules. 2021;26:1–17.
Su T, Zhou B, Cao D, Pan Y, Hu M, Zhang M, Wei H, Han M*. Transcriptomic Profiling of Populus Roots Challenged with Fusarium Reveals Differential Responsive Patterns of Invertase and Invertase Inhibitor-Like Families within Carbohydrate Metabolism. J Fungi [Internet]. 2021;7:89. (*通讯作者)
Su T, Han M*, Min J, Cao D, Pan H, Liu Y. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Populus deltoides Siyang-2. Mitochondrial DNA Part B [Internet]. Taylor & Francis; 2020;5:283–5. (*通讯作者)
Su T, Han M*, Cao D, Xu M. Molecular and biological properties of snakins: The foremost cysteine-rich plant host Defense peptides. J Fungi. 2020;6:1–17. (*通讯作者)
Su T, Zhang M, Shan Z, Li X, Zhou B, Wu H, Han M*. 2020. Comparative Survey of Morphological Variations and Plastid Genome Sequencing Reveals Phylogenetic Divergence between Four Endemic Ilex Species. Forests 11: 964. (*通讯作者)
Su T, Han M*, Min J, Zhou H, Zhang Q, Zhao J, et al. Functional Characterization of Invertase Inhibitors PtC/VIF1 and 2 Revealed Their Involvements in the Defense Response to Fungal Pathogen in Populus trichocarpa. Front Plant Sci [Internet]. 2020;10:1–17. (*通讯作者)
Su T, Han M*, Min J, Cao D, Zhai G, Zhou H, et al. Genome-Wide Characterization of AspATs in Populus: Gene Expression Variation and Enzyme Activities in Response to Nitrogen Perturbations. Forests [Internet]. 2019;10:449. (*通讯作者)
Tang X, Su T*, Han M, Wei L, Wang W, Yu Z, et al. Suppression of extracellular invertase inhibitor gene expression improves seed weight in soybean (Glycine max). J Exp Bot [Internet]. 2017;erw425.
Ng JM, Han M, Beatty PH, Good A*. Plant Genomics and Climate Change. Plant Genomics Clim Chang [Internet]. 2016. p. 179–94.
Han M, Wong J, Su T, Beatty PH, Good AG*. Identification of Nitrogen Use Efficiency Genes in Barley: Searching for QTLs Controlling Complex Physiological Traits. Front Plant Sci [Internet]. 2016;7:1587.
Su T, Wolf S, Han M, Zhao H, Wei H, Greiner S, et al. Reassessment of an Arabidopsis cell wall invertase inhibitor AtCIF1 reveals its role in seed germination and early seedling growth. Plant Mol Biol. Springer Netherlands; 2016;90:137–55.
Han M, Okamoto M, Beatty PH, Rothstein SJ, Good AG*. The Genetics of Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Crop Plants. Annu Rev Genet [Internet]. 2015;49:269–89.
Rothstein SJ, Bi YM, Coneva V, Han M, Good A*. The challenges of commercializing second-generation transgenic crop traits necessitate the development of international public sector research infrastructure. J Exp Bot. 2014;65:5673–82.
Han M, Heppel SC, Su T, Bogs J, Zu Y, An Z, et al. Enzyme Inhibitor Studies Reveal Complex Control of Methyl-D-Erythritol 4-Phosphate (MEP) Pathway Enzyme Expression in Catharanthus roseus. PLoS One [Internet]. 2013;8:e62467.
Han M, Su T, Zu YG, An ZG. Research advances on transgenic plant vaccines. Acta Genet Sin. 2006;33:285–93.